Sunday, November 25, 2012

First Thanksgiving

Levi had fun visiting the DeVol family for his first Thanksgiving. We went to Uncle Greg's and visited with lots of extended family there. Then we went to Uncle Troy and Aunt Stacy's for round two.
It is a bittersweet holiday, as one year ago today we lost a very good man. My cousin Quentin lost his battle to cancer on Thanksgiving Day last year. He played a big role in putting Levi in our lives prior to leaving this world. No one knew this until much much later. It is not a coincidence that Levi's middle name is Quentin.
As many of us do, Levi enjoyed his thanksgiving meal then promptly fell asleep.
I hope you all had a great holiday and made time to count your blessings.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Levi went swinging today for the first time!
He also had his first "tunnel" experience this weekend. He has his trusty pal Gerome with him in the tunnel. (Gerome was actually "bait" to convince him to go! Haha!)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Riverboat cruise

After a very roundabout way of going, we are finally in our temporary home away from home in Marietta, Ohio.
Today we took a little cruise down the river on Mimi's pontoon with Cousin Tyler and Mimi D.
Levi enjoyed it....until he fell asleep.