Friday, October 1, 2010


"Big" bill #1 paid.  It hurt only a little.  However, we almost immediately got news that we are authorized to start the home study process (yes - frantic cleaning in the house ensued)!!!

Aside from that; here is what we can expect:

Oregon has strict requirements. So, in order to meet them, we have to take a foster/adopt parent training.
Then comes the home study: minimum of 4 contact: individual and couple interviews and at least one visit in our home, resulting in at least six hours total.

Then, there are the Post Placement Reports: quarterly visits with letters from the social worker.

Oh - then the family photo album. Connie doesn't know this yet, but she'll be assigned to this. This is for the committe to select a child for us, and then it goes to the foster family once we are selected.
The requirements for the family album are:
The album should be geared toward the child(ren) and include the following: 
  • A letter addressed to the child(ren)
  • Pictures
  • each member of the family
  • family activities
  • family gatherings
  • pets
  • the home
  • the child’s room
  • Captions identifying who/what is in the picture
After that is settled, we will submit the following: Three original, notarized home studies
Three notarized copies of the home study agency license
Three notarized copies of the social worker’s license
One original family photo album

Wow.   We have a lot of stuff left to do!!  This is pretty exciting.  Cannot wait to meet our child and see who God has in mind for us. 

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