Thursday, January 6, 2011

Houston, what could possibly be the problem?

Hi Everyone,

I’m sorry I haven’t updated you since I’ve arrived in Houston. As you can imagine, it’s been a bit busy. It’s been so crazy since I left Ohio on Dec 26.

First, I went to visit my friend Kelly & Dan in Springfield, MO. They have opened a gym and it was so nice to see their progress. I’m very proud of them.

Then, off to Houston! When I arrived, the temp was around 65 and it’s remained at 65-70 degrees every day since I’ve arrived. The first day was a torrential downpour, but since then it has been absolutely beautiful. Really, to be honest, I couldn’t ask for better weather. I’ve already noticed a difference in my back pain and energy!

We know the summers will get stifling hot, so we managed to find a house to rent with a private pool & spa. We’ll move into it as soon as our stuff arrives, which is scheduled to be at the house on Jan 15.

Our new address will be:

823 Oak Harbor Dr
Houston, TX 77062

After we move, we’ll re-start the adoption process. The agency has been absolutely wonderful. They pray for us, and have been incredibly patient. They’ve even agreed to do something completely unorthodox and transfer our funds already paid to another program. We’ll be switching to an international program, and we’ll be sure to keep you all posted on the news.

I started work on Jan 3 (Monday). So far, it’s a really great place. The people are friendly & fun, and the company is more than fair. In my first week of employment, they’ve given me a laptop, an iPhone, and today, I got a bonus! That’s right – 4th day of work and got a bonus already! Unbelievable! I am enjoying the job; I’m back in my element. They love that I know what I’m doing, and I feel that my knowledge & experience is going to be put to good use. Best of all, I feel respected at work. So nice.

We found a renter for our house in Columbus!!! Wahooo! God is working miracles! A Columbus Firefighter signed a lease today, and moves in on Sunday. WOW! The new countertops & sink will be installed on Wednesday, after which Rob will hit the road and head to Houston!

And, the icing on the cake: I found a long-lost cousin that lives only about 10 minutes away from me. In a city where it takes about 1-1.5 hours to drive across town, depending on traffic, I have a relative only 10 minutes away! I met up with Mark last week, and had a chance to spend some time with him, his family & friends on his birthday. It’s fun to reminisce about our annual camping trips that we had during the summer. It’s a blast from the past, and lots of fun.

God is so amazing, and we are so excited about the way things are just coming together! We just follow in faith, and He provides more than we could have imagined. God can do anything—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! Ephesians 3:20.

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