Friday, January 20, 2012

I'm in the club!

Today I called Aetna. The first call was strange. I went through the usual automated systems...."push this button and that button....ok, now hold for a while...." I was prepared to hold...when this gal answered the phone. She said that they are busy, but she is taking messages, if I'd like to leave one. I said I'd rather hold. She said, "No. That's not an option. Would you like to leave a message? Someone will call you back." I asked what the turn-around time is. She said 24 - 48 hours. That wouldn't work because my appointment is Monday. She hung up on me! Gotta love insurance call centers.

Anyway - all that just to tell you that I called back (and the call was answered almost immediately) and spoke to a very helpful woman named Joan. She asked all kinds of questions like "How long have you been trying? When was your last period?" - and I was very honest with her, saying that I have no uterus due to fibroids. She said, "That's ok. Have you had your tubes tied?" "No." "Ok. Then that's fine. We will still cover diagnostics to determine why you cannot get pregnant." I had all kinds of jokes to insert here, but I bit my tongue knowing this is the one person that can authorize my membership into this exclusive club.

In the end, I was approved to be in the Infertility Program! My dear friend (from an infertility group that I attended in Columbus) said, "I've been trying to get OUT of that group - and here you are trying to get IN!?" We had a good laugh over it because it is, after all this, pretty ironic that I'm trying to get IN. And, I'm IN!

The best part of the phone call (aside from the approval) was this: At the end of the call, Joan says, "If you should happen to get pregnant any time soon, please just let us know." Honey - If I get pregnant ANY time - I'm sure you will most certainly see me on the news. The whole world will know about it!

Anyway - This approval just means that the insurance will cover my appointment on Monday to determine if I have enough healthy eggs to proceed. Out of pocket savings for us: $360.

Thank you to everyone for your love, support, and funny anecdotes during this time! :)

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