In the last status update, I advised that Texas approved us. Here is what this means:
The adoption is considered a "Private Interstate Adoption". This means that the ICPC offices are involved from both Kentucky and Texas. (ICPC = Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children) Kentucky "approved" us a long time ago - and passed the paperwork on to Texas. The Texas ICPC office was requesting some more paperwork - that included a Legal Risk Statement from us (because the birth father is not known or named) and the ICWA statement from the birth mother. (ICWA = Indian Child Welfare Act. This statement from her states that Levi is not a member of a tribe or belonging to a reservation). It took some time to get those two documents, but we were able to get them, and that led to approval from the state of Texas ICPC.
After this, we were told to find a lawyer in Texas. The state does not allow an individual to submit the paperwork to the courts directly; this must be done by a lawyer. Sounds easy enough: find a lawyer, file the documents, meet the judge and wham bam thank you ma'am, we are done! Right? Wrong.
Naturally, nothing is this easy. We fired several lawyers last week for various reasons - one was for simply neglecting to return our calls, another for having bad advice (she told us to "throw out the work we've done and start over"), yet another for literally not knowing what was going on - but wanting to take our case because it was "new and challenging" and sounded like fun....and finally one for "overcommitting" and being unable to keep appointments.
We finally found one we like, and we feel like we can trust. He knew all about this type of situation, and has even dealt with several cases like this in the past - with several states - including Kentucky! He said everyone does things differently, and he didn't see any reason why this should be any problem. He is associated with the circuit courts, and we should be in and out like it's no big deal.
Here's the catch: Texas requires us to wait at least 6 months after placement to finalize. This means we should be in court some time in August.
Meanwhile, we are still getting monthly home studies. It is simple. A social worker from the adoption agency comes for a visit - asks some questions about Levi's daily schedule, his eating habits, his hobbies, his star sign, his long walks on the beach, his poetry....oh not those. Just his schedule and his eating habits, mostly. She asks about his progress with growth, doctor's comments, etc. She observes us with him and then writes a long report that gets submitted to Kentucky and Texas ICPC, Kentucky Judges, lawyers, etc. We also get a copy and read it to Levi. He giggles and laughs through the reading - he finds it very entertaining. We find it very's weird to read about what someone observes going on in your home or your life. It's all good news, and we are pleased with the Texas adoption agency for all of their help and positive attitude. I may not have mentioned that we had quite a time finding a Texas agency that could help us because it's "Post-Placement", but they were ready to step up and really help us out. We are so grateful!
That is the status for now - we are waiting until August. When we have a court date, we'll let you know. Pretty exciting!