Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First Solid Foods

Yesterday Levi had his first experience with solid foods. He did really well. He ate all of his food - the part he didn't wear, anyway - and actually grabs the spoon to pull the food into his mouth. 

He is also making a lot of effort to sit up on his own. He pulled himself up in his bathtub last night and figured out how to turn sideways to leverage his little feet on the other side of the tub so he can sit up on his own.  He did it really well.  Oh, and when I pulled the plug to let the water out, he kept trying to keep it from draining.  I guess he wanted to stay in and play.  Looks like he'll need to get some bath toys soon. 

Anyway, here are some pics of the first solid food.  It was messy, but as you can see, he enjoyed it - as he enjoys pretty much everything about life.  :)


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