Friday, November 22, 2013

Busy month!

Wow...what a month!  So much has been going on, I have not had much time to do anything, including updating the blog.  Sorry for the length of time it has been. 
I will try to update while keeping it brief.
Case had a check up. He weighs 20 lbs and is 27 inches long.  He is now in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. He is very healthy.
Wednesday we had an interlocatory hearing for his adoption.  We have to wait six months from the court placement date (Sept 11) to finalize, so we do an interlocatory hearing now and wait until March 12 for the judge to sign the final decree.
We will continue to meet with the agency monthly for the home studies until finalization.
Levi had surgery this morning. His breathing issues were to a point of sleep apnea, chronic ear infections, amongst many other issues.  So, today the ENT removed his tonsils & adenoids and put tubes in his ears.  He is doing just fine.  Sleeping a lot and enjoying popsicles while watching movies.
Recovery takes one week.
Thanks to Connie and Mike for having Case over last night for a sleepover and Kathy for taking Case for a weekend long slumber party.  We have been able to focus on Levi's recovery thanks to their help. 
Here are some photos of this week's events.

Monday, October 28, 2013

It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

It was a little too chilly for trick or treat for our little guys, but they still dressed in costume and visited Mimi and Papa DeVol to get their treat. 
It is so hard to get a good photo of the two of them....but it was funny so I will post the ones I did you can see just how hard it is. 
Levi was more interested in watching football (or, "TOUCHDOWN!" as he calls it...) and Case....well, he just doesn't ever look at the camera. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Levi's Gotcha Day

A year ago today, Rob and I stood in front of a judge...answered a bunch of questions from a lawyer....then the adoption of Levi was officially final!  So today we had a little celebration with ice cream cake and some fondue to mark the occasion. 
Thank you to all of you who have supported us in this adventure!

I have attached photos from that day a year ago, and a photo from this morning after Levi fed himself oatmeal.  I think there was more oatmeal on the wall than in his mouth.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Levi's visit to the firehouse

Levi's preschool had a field trip this week to the local fire station. He had a fun time, I learned a lot, and we even got to ride in a firetruck!  (That was his favorite part, of course. He squealed the whole ride!)
Here are some photos of the experience.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Case's adoption status update

It has been quite some time since I have updated Case's adoption status.  It could be because managing these two little guys keeps me very busy - but really, it's because I didn't really know the whole story of what has been going on.  We have been waiting patiently for answers and information.

Here is the quick version:  We requested to have the same judge in Kentucky that we had for Levi's case.  We were granted that request.  However, she had a few major changes happen in her life (the judge did, I mean) and resigned from her job as a judge.  In addition to this, the Guardian Ad-litem (the "lawyer" assigned to represent the best interests of the child) in Kentucky decided to retire and "wind down" her business.  She wasn't taking any steps forward for us.  So, we had to get a new judge and a new G.A.L.  This was finally arranged in early September (or maybe it was late August).  We were just waiting for a court date for termination of parental rights (TPR).

Then, I received the most horrific news.  The birth mother passed away.  Miss "Jane", whom I had grown so fond of, having spent so much time with her in the hospital in May, died of natural causes.  My heart is so broken, as she was such a lovely person...and the gifts of life she gave to our family....well, there are just no words.
She may have had a very challenging life of her own, but she leaves quite a legacy and made very difficult and selfless choices for her children.  I cannot explain my admiration for her.  May she rest in peace.

In light of this terrible news, the case has been closed in Kentucky and will be handled in Ohio.  We have finally received a placement date of September 12, 2013.  (The placement date usually happens within a week or so after needless to say, these snags have caused quite the delay).  The finalization cannot happen until 6 months after the placement date. Since placement is in mid-September, we now wait for a court date to be set in March, 2014.

Meanwhile, Mr. Case is growing like a weed!  He weighed in at 18.7 lbs at his 4 month check up.  He is in the 90th percentile for weight!  WOW! He has been wearing the same diaper size as Levi for about 3 months, now.  It won't be long before Case is the same size as Levi (who is 24 lbs).

Here are some photos of random cuteness of both of them.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Levi starts school!!

Today Levi starts preschool.  He was pretty excited, it seems. It was hard to get him to settle enough to get a good photo for his first day.  He was not crying when we left him at that is a good sign.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Little Mozart

Levi spent some time writing songs for his daddy today.
Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Big Brother is having fun also

Not to be left out, big brother Levi is having fun with his cousins this weekend. Learning to play ball and ride on cousin Shane's shoulders.


Case has had some visitors in the past couple weeks. They have included Mimi and Papa T, Mamaw Lucille, Aunt Nana Tootie, Cousins galore, and many others.  Here are some photos.