Friday, November 22, 2013

Busy month!

Wow...what a month!  So much has been going on, I have not had much time to do anything, including updating the blog.  Sorry for the length of time it has been. 
I will try to update while keeping it brief.
Case had a check up. He weighs 20 lbs and is 27 inches long.  He is now in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. He is very healthy.
Wednesday we had an interlocatory hearing for his adoption.  We have to wait six months from the court placement date (Sept 11) to finalize, so we do an interlocatory hearing now and wait until March 12 for the judge to sign the final decree.
We will continue to meet with the agency monthly for the home studies until finalization.
Levi had surgery this morning. His breathing issues were to a point of sleep apnea, chronic ear infections, amongst many other issues.  So, today the ENT removed his tonsils & adenoids and put tubes in his ears.  He is doing just fine.  Sleeping a lot and enjoying popsicles while watching movies.
Recovery takes one week.
Thanks to Connie and Mike for having Case over last night for a sleepover and Kathy for taking Case for a weekend long slumber party.  We have been able to focus on Levi's recovery thanks to their help. 
Here are some photos of this week's events.

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