"This is the BEST Birthday Party EVER!" That is a direct quote from 6 year old Lorelei Franklin - Levi's cousin. This past Saturday (Feb 9), Levi and I drove down to Paintsville, KY for a birthday celebration there. It really was a great party. We had a lot of fun, and many people were able to make it. Thanks to Mamaw Lucille (aka Mamaw Woocy, G-ma, Gramma, and Queen Bee) for the cake and ice cream and to Nana Tootie for planning the event. Also, thank you to all of you who were there to celebrate Levi's first year with us.
I promise to upload pictures as soon as I get them off of my camera - which hopefully will be by this weekend.
Levi is walking on a regular basis now, choosing to walk over crawling more often. He is able to bend and pick up things from the floor as well as push himself into a standing position without using something to hold on to. He is also babbling a lot - and getting some words out. Mostly Momma. (He is somewhat of a Momma's boy) and sometimes Dadda. He is experiencing the typical seperation anxiety of a child this age, but it is perfectly normal and expected to be short lived. He is eating almost all table food at this point - well, he eats whatever he doesn't throw at the dogs. haha. Vinny doesn't seem to mind. He has a feast when Levi eats. haha. He is also officially off of the formula and drinking strictly milk. I'm happy to not have to purchase any more formula!
Oh, I forgot to mention we went to the doc for his 1 year wellness check. He is 30 inches tall - and about 20-21 lbs.
So, here we are on Valentine's Day 2013. One year ago today, I was sitting in a courtroom for the first time in my life (scared out of my mind) asking a judge to let me bring this little boy home to Texas. She was the only person in this world that could grant me permission to do so. (Typically, the child cannot leave the state until the adoption is final.) By the miraculous power of God, she ruled that we could go home. I wasted no time in calling the airline from the car while leaving the courthouse, rushing to the airport and hopping on a plane for what would be Levi's first flight ever. My cousin Rachel must have thought I was nuts - but she supported me 100% and even helped me at the courthouse after letting us crash at her place for a week or so while it all was sorted out. I can't thank her enough!
Upon our arrival home, Rob picked me up at the airport, and I said, "I'm starving! Do we have food at home? I haven't eaten since this morning!" He said we did have food - and it was such a pleasant surprise to come home to a home-cooked meal cooked by our neighbors Lynn and Ed. They would eventually become Levi's "surrogate" grandparents by coming over every day and visiting, bringing us meals, babysitting, and in general just knowing exactly what we needed and when we needed it - even when we didn't know we needed it. They were a God-send for us and we also cannot thank them enough. It was scary for us, and we had no idea what we were doing. They were a big help, in addition to tons of other people in our lives. I would name them all if I could. For now, I'll just stick with those that were a big help on that day - February 14, 2012. The best Valentine's Day ever!
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