Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Introducing the newest addition to the DeVol clan!  Case Robert DeVol was born at 4:42am eastern time this morning. He is 6lb 15.6 oz and 19.75 inches.  He is in overall good health but high risk (early birth, etc).  So he will be monitored closely for the next several days.  Hopefully, he will be released over the weekend. 
I will remain in Kentucky with my family until we have permission to return to Ohio. 
Thank you all for your prayers and support.  We are thrilled to have biological brothers!!  It is an adoption miracle!
God is so good.  His plans for us are most certainly bigger than we could imagine asking for! (Ephesians 3:20)  Today was truly an E3:20 moment!

My Gramma Lucille and Aunt Tootie have already visited.  They just could not wait one minute to get in the car to meet him!

I must also give a "shout out" to Connie - whom I woke at 4am to say "wake up! We are having a baby!" To which she replied, "Bring me the monitor for Levi. Drive safe!"  Gotta love her.  Nothing ruffles her feathers.

I will attempt to attach some photos from my phone.  (I  running out of steam and I have been running on 2 hours of sleep all day!  Blissfully exhausted.)  Please excuse any typos - haha.

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