Levi is getting promoted!
In June, Levi will be promoted to big brother. His little brother is due on June 3. We are all very excited to have him join our family. They will be approximately 16 months apart in age difference. We hope this is a recipe for them to be best friends as they grow up. Rob and his brother are very close in age, and it was a fantastic childhood for them.
Things have been very busy around here. I have spent quite a bit of time sorting through adoption agencies, lawyers, etc trying to find a good fit. Unfortunately, we cannot use any of the same "players" in last year's learning session. So, we are back at square 1 with about a month to get it sorted before the little guy makes his grand appearance. Adoption can be a complicated road...especially interstate adoptions, as we discovered less than a year ago. But, with God, every thing is possible. I hold this belief high and hold those that we hire (lawyers, agencies) to this same standard. If, during our initial conversation, they felt it might not be possible, I simply moved on to the next. After many phone calls (and much frustration), I finally found the ones that agree. "This is possible, and we will do our best to make it not so complicated."
Rob is still away in training for the Army National Guard. It seems like it has been forever. He has been gone since February. Last week, we went to his graduation from the first phase of Basic Training. It was absolutely wonderful to spend quality time with him, but it was only a short amount of time before he was to proceed to his next training session. He is now in Alabama, and should be done with this portion of his training about the end of June.
Here are some photos of the graduation event.
Congrats, guys! :) xoxo