Friday, May 31, 2013

The Waiting Game....

Well, I am still in Kentucky, awaiting approval to return to Ohio with Case.  The reason can be confusing, so I will try to give the low-down.
There is a compact agreement between states.  It is the ICPC (Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children).  Since Case was born in Kentucky to a birth mom that resides in Kentucky, that makes him a resident of Kentucky.  So, if anything happens to him, he is lack of a better word..."responsibility" of Kentucky Child Protective Services (CPS).  In order for him to come live with us in Ohio, the state of Ohio must "accept responsibility". In other words, Kentucky  must send him to Ohio, and Ohio must accept him.
Before this step can happen, we must have a completed, approved home study.  To get the home study completed, there is a HUGE checklist of things that need to be submitted.  This is the list:
If you are thinking, "THAT IS QUITE A LIST!!" you would be quite accurate.  We have managed to gather up almost every thing on this list in a matter of weeks.
Since I thought we had about 3 weeks more than we actually had...I had a couple things left on my list.  I had a couple things to gather up after Case was born.  For me, it just involved quite a few phone calls to the vet, Levi's doc, among others - as well as a trip to an urgent care in Lexington for my physical.  I think all of my stuff is done.  
With Rob away in training, it has been quite a challenge for him to get his paperwork taken care of.  His strict training schedule does not allow for him to get away to do the things necessary to get some of the things on the list.  For example, he needed to get a medical form completed.  So, he needed to find time to get to a doctor.  He also needed to get fingerprints on a fingerprint card ("old school style") so we could send it off to the FBI in Ohio so they could do a background check.  That seems simple, since he is on base.  However, he is in class during the week (Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm) - which is exactly when the docs and other administrative staff on base are available.  
So, he had to request special permission to get to an urgent care off base so a physician there could do his physical as well as a sheriff's department to get fingerprints done.  This, of course, is not as easy as one may think.  However, Rob was able to get this accomplished over the Memorial Day weekend.  It took a lot of patience and persistence, but it is done.  The fingerprints are on their way to the FBI office in Ohio and the medical form on its way to the adoption agency for their files.  One other obstacle he had was to get a form notarized for the Texas Central Registry.  That is simply because we lived there recently and they must also do a background check.  This is done!  I made that sound easy, but just take my word for was not.  Nonetheless, it's done.  
So, now we wait for the FBI background check to be processed.  This can take up to 30 days.  I know what you are going to ask: "Do I need to stay in Kentucky for 30 more days?!"  The answer is: Not likely.  The lawyers are also trying to get guardianship processed so that I can return home and be with Levi and the pooches.  Also, I am working with the FBI to try to get this processed sooner.  So, whichever happens first, then I will be permitted to go home with Case. 
Once that is complete and sent to the adoption agency, then it will take them a few days to get their paperwork finalized.  
That was a lot to read - and if you are still reading, I commend you!  As a reward, here is a picture of the little guy that brings us here.  
Meanwhile...I am just making the best of the situation and trying to rest as much as I can between feedings and I even visited my Eastern Kentucky family in Paintsville over the holiday weekend.  My dad and stepmom even stopped by on Tuesday morning to meet the newest addition!
Case had his 2 week follow up appointment with the doctors in Lexington on Wednesday.  He is growing like a weed - he is at 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long.  They were thrilled that he is above birth weight already.  
Thank you for prayerful support of permission to return to Ohio.  As much as I am loving the time visiting with family here in Kentucky, I'd love to get back home to take care of my responsibilities there.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet....

At the turn of the century, the Casebolt family was traveling from Ireland to the States.  There were several children traveling with their parents.  The parents did not survive.   The Terry family took in the Casebolt children.  Some of the children took the Terry name, some kept the Casebolt name.  If you are from the Eastern Kentucky area, you have probably heard both names...and may have even noticed in a cemetery that the tombstones of these names are intermingled.  That is because it is the same family - my family!  My great great great grandfather took the Terry name when they adopted him.  Some of his siblings kept the Casebolt name.

We love the name Case, and think that the adoption story in my family history just makes it that much more meaningful. 

Speaking of about this for a look-alike photo!  Can you tell who is who?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Introducing the newest addition to the DeVol clan!  Case Robert DeVol was born at 4:42am eastern time this morning. He is 6lb 15.6 oz and 19.75 inches.  He is in overall good health but high risk (early birth, etc).  So he will be monitored closely for the next several days.  Hopefully, he will be released over the weekend. 
I will remain in Kentucky with my family until we have permission to return to Ohio. 
Thank you all for your prayers and support.  We are thrilled to have biological brothers!!  It is an adoption miracle!
God is so good.  His plans for us are most certainly bigger than we could imagine asking for! (Ephesians 3:20)  Today was truly an E3:20 moment!

My Gramma Lucille and Aunt Tootie have already visited.  They just could not wait one minute to get in the car to meet him!

I must also give a "shout out" to Connie - whom I woke at 4am to say "wake up! We are having a baby!" To which she replied, "Bring me the monitor for Levi. Drive safe!"  Gotta love her.  Nothing ruffles her feathers.

I will attempt to attach some photos from my phone.  (I  running out of steam and I have been running on 2 hours of sleep all day!  Blissfully exhausted.)  Please excuse any typos - haha.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Just when we thought we were done buying formula....

Levi is getting promoted!

In June, Levi will be promoted to big brother.  His little brother is due on June 3.  We are all very excited to have him join our family.  They will be approximately 16 months apart in age difference.  We hope this is a recipe for them to be best friends as they grow up.  Rob and his brother are very close in age, and it was a fantastic childhood for them. 

Things have been very busy around here.  I have spent quite a bit of time sorting through adoption agencies, lawyers, etc trying to find a good fit.  Unfortunately, we cannot use any of the same "players" in last year's learning session.  So, we are back at square 1 with about a month to get it sorted before the little guy makes his grand appearance.  Adoption can be a complicated road...especially interstate adoptions, as we discovered less than a year ago.   But, with God, every thing is possible.  I hold this belief high and hold those that we hire (lawyers, agencies) to this same standard.  If, during our initial conversation, they felt it might not be possible, I simply moved on to the next.  After many phone calls (and much frustration), I finally found the ones that agree.  "This is possible, and we will do our best to make it not so complicated."

Rob is still away in training for the Army National Guard.  It seems like it has been forever.  He has been gone since February.  Last week, we went to his graduation from the first phase of Basic Training. It was absolutely wonderful to spend quality time with him, but it was only a short amount of time before he was to proceed to his next training session.  He is now in Alabama, and should be done with this portion of his training about the end of June. 

Here are some photos of the graduation event.