Sunday, July 3, 2011

Moving on

It was a very difficult decision, but we have decided to stay on the domestic route with our adoption.  With this, we are not going to be able to use All God's Children International.  We signed our termination contract just a few days ago, and they are kind enough to refund a small portion of what we paid.  Though it was small, it was still kind, considering they do not refund, as a policy.  They made an exception for us.  The remainder of it we'll write off as  "failed adoption" on taxes.  Painful words. 

But, we are moving on. We looked into that agency that I mentioned in our last update.  They were simply too expensive.  So, we keep looking.  And praying.

Funding will be our biggest we'll be getting creative soon! :) 

We appreciate your prayers and support. 

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