Sunday, February 19, 2012


Levi went to his first church service today. He did very well. It was so nice to be back and to be so missed. Many people came by to meet him and to offer love and support. Our church family is going to start a meal chain for us - they will bring us meals for a couple of weeks.

We didn't realize how much we hadn't been eating until my cousin Mark and his family came by on Friday night with a complete meal. It was probably the first meal we had sat down and eaten together since valentine's day! it is truly a blessing to have such great family around. Thanks Mark, Jennifer, and Nikos!

Tomorrow the Texas adoption agency will be by to conduct the interview and home inspection portion of our home study. Wish us luck! It is scary to think that someone is coming in to your home and then will write a report about what they observe.
Though, I'm thinking after my time in front of the judge, I'm ok with anything that comes our way. Haha. I was a nervous wreck! It was, after all, my first time in front of a judge-and in a real courtroom! But I survived.

We have already completed part of the background checks - the ones for Ohio are done. Now we wait for the Texas checks, the FBI checks, the child abuse checks, and fingerprint checks. I think that is all of them. I'm sure there are more. Seems like they check a lot. This is a good thing. We must keep the little kiddos safe! Rob was able to eek out a fingerprint appointment last week. I have one for this coming week.

Connie (rob's mom) will be coming to lend a hand starting Wednesday -she will arrive late on Tuesday. We are really looking forward to her visit.

This afternoon, we had a nice family walk around our neighborhood. I put on the baby sling, tucked Levi in, and we hit the road with the doggies in tow. We love walking together so it is nice to be able to continue to do this with our boy.

Speaking of the dogs. Many have asked how the dogs have reacted to Levi. Well, if you know our dogs at all, what you might predict happening is exactly what is going on. Rocco is playing mother. He worries and frets about Levi. He will lay beside his bed and jump if Levi makes a peep. He attempts to get in a "drive by licking" from time to time simply because babies' faces taste so good with that food on them. Lol. We discourage it, of course, but he did manage at least one "face cleaning" lick that i know of.
Vinny, on the other hand, he doesn't care one way or the other as long as he gets quality lap time with Rob. I've attached a pic here of Vinny trying his best to get on that coveted lap. He is nearly there when Levi decides to use Vinny's back as a footstool. I guess Vince didn't mind so much, considering he got a little "petting time" in at the same time. Who cares if it is from feet?! You can see it a little better in the close up. (Sorry for the diaper shot.)

Also, many people have asked what we need. At first, I'd simply say "everything!". Since we literally had nothing, that was so true. Well, as you can imagine, the outpouring of support had changed that answer significantly! So, to keep it simple, we registered at Babies R Us. Thank you all for everything.

Good night for now. Rob is already in bed preparing for his late shift on feeding duty. (or should I say doody!?). I'm looking for some toothpicks to hold the eyelids open.

As always, keep birthmom "Jane" in your prayers. we thank God for her and pray she is coping better.

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