Sunday, February 5, 2012

Not your average day

Wow - what a day!

Sorry for the cryptic message earlier. We were rushing around, and I thought we should at least send a little info. It was difficult to type it up on the phone.

Kathy called us yesterday and we were on a plane within 24 hours. It's been crazy, to say the least. We've tried to do 9 months of planning in less than a day.

We made it to Lexington airport a little after 8pm. We were met at the airport by a very excited Pat & Pam. Upon landing, we received information that the birthmother signed the paperwork and we are the designated adoptive parents! We went straight to the hospital and were escorted right into the nursery to meet our beautiful baby boy! We were so stunned. He is beautiful! I added a photo -the mark on his face is just a tiny scratch from his little finger nail.

We have a lot of legal stuff still to do - and he will not be allowed to leave the hospital before Monday. Tomorrow morning we meet with the Social Worker to find out some details. We will also get in touch with a lawyer to finalize paperwork, etc.

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