Thursday, February 23, 2012


Mimi is here! Mimi is here!  Mimi DeVol arrived late last night.  What a trooper!  She is terrified of flying, but braved the skies just to see her little grandson!  Oh, what power this little guy has already - and not yet even 3 weeks old!   She was so thrilled to see him, and couldn't believe how he had already changed from only a short while ago. 

I guess he has...but since we see him every day, we don't see it as much.  I did notice his little baby hair is getting longer.  It won't be long before he has hair longer and thicker than mine...but then again, that isn't saying much, for as thin as my hair is.  haha.

It is such a blessing to have her around during this time.  She was able to spend the day with him, and said he was so good.  Of course, she's comparing him to another grandchild -  who shall remain un-named - but we all know who he is, and we all love him for his high-maintenance and very entertaining ways.  :)

We are almost done with all of our steps necessary to take on the Texas end.  Today I got my fingerprints done for the FBI background check.   The lady that did them said my info was coded wrong - that I was there for a concealed carry permit, which is only $10, not the $45 that I, I guess I will have permission to pack - I wonder if they mean I can conceal the Pack N Play?  Nonetheless, I found it interesting that you can get fingerprinting that provides permission to carry a gun for a quarter of the cost of the adoption.  I wonder what the difference is? Why the cost difference?  And, why is it so much more for adoption than to pack heat?  Interesting...

While Rob is ironing out all the details of paperwork with Texas, I'm still working with Kentucky and now on the medical insurance.  Seems like it's so simple to add a child to your insurance, but with this unique situation, I'm not sure.  I asked the HR department how to add him...and they wanted the adoption paperwork.  All we have currently is the temporary custody could be months before we have the final paperwork. I hope that will work for them!  They also wanted his name....and legally, he does not officially have a name.  So, I had to tell them the story of why he doesn't have a name, and his "legal" name on all documentation is "Unknown Baby Boy". Funny how questions that seem so simple leave us guessing at how to answer them.    Every day brings an interesting and thoughtful situation.

Levi is doing well.  His little personality is becoming more and more obvious every day.  He isn't yet sleeping through the night...but he sure is trying to! 

Sleep tight everyone.  And, when you wake in the middle of the night...think of us.   Our little family. 

God Bless!

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