Today the birthmother ("Jane") went to the lawyer to sign the paperwork. She was there, but is still experiencing some effects of having just had a baby. She is exhausted - which is understandable, considering she has just gone through a very difficult situation. She was a little overwhelmed while at the lawyer's office today and was unable to sign the paperwork. We have rescheduled for tomorrow when we'll try again.
I know you all are showing your love and support for us at this time with your phone calls and texts. I'm really trying my best to return all messages, but please do not be offended if I don't get back to you. Rest assured I'm on the phone with a lawyer or a social worker or someone else who is either charging me a fortune or who has a lot of say in who Levi can go home with - and when!
Please pray for Jane as she continues her struggles. She is a sweet sweet girl and truly has the best interest of Levi at heart. She is just having a hard time. With patience and love, she will pull through.
As for Levi - he was a precious baby again today. When I arrived, it was feeding time. Boy oh boy was he hungry! He is such a good eater - he took the whole bottle pretty quickly. Then, he fidgeted around while waiting for Aunt Wow to get there. I guess he was as excited as she was. Because when he finally got into her arms, he settled pretty quickly.
She finally arrived, and the funniest thing happened! We were walking down the hallway - and Jill spots someone she knows. Even better than that - it's someone that she is RELATED to!! The Charge Nurse, Diana, is married to Connie's cousin! INCREDIBLE!! Yet one more connection in this crazy situation. Diana helped me gather a lot of information today. She was so helpful to me - what a blessing it is to have a relative right there on the floor helping me sort through all of this. She has all kinds of fantastic advice for newborns, and has all kinds of connections in the hospital.
Ok - back to Aunt Wow's visit. Jill managed to fight back tears when she met him. And, she even staved off the desire to pick him up while we wheeled him in his little cart bassinett to our little private room for the day. I was proud of her for that - I'm sure that 60-second walk was painful for her. LOL! I posted a pic of her with Levi earlier today. Then, Miss Christine came in to visit. She was so sweet and gentle with him and he really loved snuggling with her. There is also a pic of her with the little bundle of joy on my earlier post today.
Though this is a stressful time, it will all be worth it in the end. I was thinking about his story - he was only born on Thursday - and we aren't even a week into his little life, and already, it's a great story. I know that when we tell him his story as he grows up, he will love that he was instantly loved by so many. It is incredible the amount of love and support he has already experienced...people coming from far and wide to see him. People in his new hometown preparing for his arrival.
I think I forgot to mention shout outs to people in the Houston area who have already pitched in to help. My cousin Mark Warren stayed overnight with our doggies on Saturday night when we rushed up to Lexington with no notice. Our neighbor Lynn Toney fed the boyz (Rocco & Vinny) and played with them all weekend - and she even swept and mopped the floors while we were gone! God love her! We left in such a rush, our house was a mess! She is also feeding Rob dinners while all this is going on - she really is priceless. With all this hustle and bustle, it's easy to loose track of dinner time. I know I've been forgetting to eat until about 9 or 10 pm every night.
In the words of our friend Chuck, "It's all good." We have faith that God is in control. Thank you for your continued prayers.
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